
RMX URX UROC USJ UCD RMC Multi Group Placing CH GSDCA HAM Daemon vom Wernerhaus RE CAA DCAT SWA TC RATM DS DJ DDB CGCA CGCU TKE ORT NW2 L1C XRAT HRDN HRUDN XVAX XVE Achiever Dog SPOT-ON Total Dog x5 Total Dog Competitor 2023 (CHIC)

Hips: PennHIP Right DI: 0.27, Left DI: 0.31 

OFA Good (GS-101792G68M-P-VPI)

Elbows: OFA Normal (GS-EL40219M68-P-VPI)

Shoulders: OFA Normal (GS-SH183M68-VPI)

Cardiac: OFA Normal/Clear (GS-BCA535/68M/P-VPI)

Thyroid: OFA Normal (GS-TH1176/83M-VPI)

Full Dentition

DM: Clear

MDR1: Clear

HUU: Clear

LAD3: Clear

Hemophilia A: Clear

Pituitary Dwarfism: Clear

Embark Clear

GSDCA Temperament Tested

GSDCA Health Award of Merit

CHIC #153754



Phantom is a medium-large male at 80lbs and 26” tall at the withers. He has high prey drive, high hunt/track drive, high toy drive, and medium food drive. He is extremely biddable and shows vigor with any new task. He has an excellent off-switch and he is calm and well-mannered at home and in public. He is a working multi-purpose service dog and he is environmentally sound. He performs allergen detection, medical response, and psychiatric response tasks. He is stable and clear-headed whether working out in public or competing at a trial. He is completely dog neutral and is safe with cats and other small animals. He shows no aggression towards dogs or people and is safe around children of all ages. He is excellent around livestock and has been worked on sheep and goats with strong, natural instincts. He is very handler focused in public and is always willing to please.


Wachter's Loyal Dakota CGC TKN

Hips: OFA Good

Elbows: OFA Normal

DM: Carrier

Embark Clear



Dakota is a medium-large female at 73 pounds and is 23” tall at the withers. She has a high prey drive, high food drive, and medium toy drive. She has a great work ethic and is very biddable. She has an excellent off-switch and she is calm and well-mannered at home and in public. She is a working multi-purpose service dog and she is environmentally sound. She performs cardiac alert, diabetic alert, psychiatric response, and guide-work. She is safe around children, small animals, and cats. She is friendly with all dogs and shows no aggression or fear towards other dogs or people. She is handler focused in public and, although she is friendly around strangers, she does not actively seek out attention from them.

Litter pedigree

Birch - female sable stock coat

Buck - male black & tan longcoat

Bravo - male sable longcoat

Blitz - male black & tan stock coat

Bright - female black & tan stock coat